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Tropical Blister Foil

CAS: Tropical Blister Foil 
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Updated on: 2024-04-28
Hits: 1624
Company Details
 Tropical aluminum packaging is not cold forming of aluminum substitution, packaging solutions different but for moisture requirements of different medicines and the display effects and provide. The main difference between tropical aluminum and cold forming aluminum function lies in the heat sealing effect depends on the damp proof effect of edge and PVC blister, in the sealing process stability, heat sealing temperature, heat sealing mold surface smoothness, uniformity pressure affect the heat sealing effect, in this case the coating layer, tropical aluminum itself more play a decisive role.

Hui made coating process heat sealing glue packaging quality and stable to ensure the effect of adhesive coating, let the heat sealing has no hidden danger.

Like the cold forming of aluminum, we also provide a tropical aluminum color and printing effect and the thickness of the different structure, give you more choices.

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