Synonyms: Glycyrrhizin
CAS NO.: 1405-86-3
Molecula Mass:822.93 g/mol
Physical state: White powder
Taste characteristic: Sweet, Characteristic
Solubility: Soluble in water and hydro-alcohol solutions at recommended dosage levels; soluble in glycerine and propylene glycol, and low pH solutions
Pharmacological: Anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant
Cosmetic/Personal Care :Increase skin elasticity, penetration enhancer, moisturizing and hydration, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, calms visible irritation
Organoleptic: Eliminate aftertaste, enhance and extend sweetness, enhance flavors, enhance mouthfeel
Applications: Food, beverages, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, cosmetics, oral health products, skin protection, animal and pet products.