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Sinopec's oil product sales increase 10.2% yoy in H1

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2011-08-02   Views:632
Sinopec sold about 75.1-mil mt of oil products accumulatively in the first six months of 2011, up by 10.2% from a year ago, according to preliminary statistics by Sinopec.

Retail and direct sales increased 20.38% and 1.21%, respectively, while wholesale volume down by 16.19%, the statistics showed.

The changes indicated Sinopec's emphasis on retail sales, market sources pointed out.

Under the impact of gasoil supply crunch in end 2010, Sinopec's wholesale subsidiaries showed low interest in selling gasoil in the first half of the year, the sources said. Gasoil wholesale prices were flat with retail prices or even higher most time during the period.

As for gasoline, retails take a large share thanks to widespread gas stations.
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