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Indonesia's Nov gasoline imports seen to fall to around 8 mil barrels

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2015-11-02   Views:315
Indonesia's state-owned Pertamina is expected to import around 8 million barrels of gasoline in November, down from 9.86 million barrels in October, trade sources said Friday.

The November estimate includes about 7.2 million barrels of 88 RON gasoline, down from 8.8 million barrels in October.

The decline was attributed to a rise in domestic production.

November imports of 92 RON finished grade gasoline and high octane mogas component 92 RON gasoline were estimated at 600,000 barrels and 200,000 barrels respectively.

For October, Pertamina was expected to import 620,000 barrels of 92 RON finished grade gasoline and 400,000 barrels of HOMC 92 RON gasoline. Domestic production is expected to increase after state-owned Pertamina started up a 62,000 b/d residue catalytic cracker at its 348,000 b/d Cilacap refinery earlier this month.

This will raise the refinery's production of 88 RON gasoline by around 30,000 b/d, Platts reported earlier.

Pertamina's Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama petrochemical complex in Tuban, East Java, which has a 98,000 b/d condensate splitter, will also add to domestic production.

Pertamina is gearing operations at the complex to maximize gasoline production in a bid to lower costly gasoline imports. The fourth quarter could see imports fall to below an average 8.9 million barrels/month from 10.52 million barrels/month in Q3, and 10.42 million barrels/month in Q2, Platts data showed.
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