A total of 7,000 mt (8,875 cu m) of ethanol left UK ports in the past four days, a report from tanker agency Graypen said Monday.
Ethanol producer Ensus shipped 2,000 mt of ethanol from Teesport, Teesside, on June 5 aboard the Patricia Essberger, Platts cFlow vessel-tracking software showed. The shipment's destination was Grangemouth, Scotland.
Ensus, one of the UK's largest ethanol producers, is a subsidiary of Cropenergies, one of Europe's largest biofuels manufacturers.
Aboard a second shipment on June 6, the UK's largest ethanol producer, Vivergo, shipped 5,000 mt of ethanol from Saltend, Humberside. The fuel was aboard the Nordic Nora chartered by Alcodis and is destined for Malmo via Kalmar after routing via Stockholm, Graypen said.