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S Korea's June SM exports rise 10% from May, jumps 29% on year

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2012-07-27   Views:558
South Korea exported 114,780 mt of styrene monomer in June, up 10% from May and up 29.4% year on year, customs data released Sunday showed.

The relatively sharp year-on-year increase was likely due to turnarounds at several SM plants in South Korea in the spring and summer of last year.

South Korea's largest customer in June was China, at 101,514 mt, followed by Hong Kong at 7,817 mt and Taiwan at 5,225 mt.

Meanwhile, South Korea imported 69,821 mt of SM in June, up 24% from May and up 35% year on year.

The largest seller to South Korea in June was Japan at 39,263 mt, followed by the US at 20,562 mt and Saudi Arabia at 9,996 mt.

SOUTH KOREA'S SM EXPORTS Destination Jun 2012 (mt) May 2012 (mt) Change (%) China 101,514 104,248 -2.6 Hong Kong 7,817 0 N/A Taiwan 5,225 0 N/A *Total 114,780 104,436 +10

*Includes destinations with relatively low or sporadic volumes

Source: Korea Customs Service

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