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UK gas prices slip despite Norwegian strike action

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2012-07-06   Views:613
Gas for immediate delivery on the UK's NBP trading hub fell slightly Monday morning despite Norwegian strike action cutting production.

Gas production was sliced by 29 million cubic meters/day at Norway's Oseberg oil and gas field due to industrial action continuing from Sunday morning, according to a note on Norwegian pipe operator Gassco's website.

There was no set time for production to restart.

At 10:40 BST (0940 GMT), gas for within-day delivery on the NBP was trading at 54.30 pence/therm, a reduction of 0.20 p/th from Friday's close.

Despite the reduction in production, the UK gas system was operating long of supply at 10:00 BST by 13 million cubic meters, with National Grid forecasting demand at 159.3 million cu m.

Market sources said there could be a delay in the cut in production resulting in less gas entering the UK.

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