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SunSirs: On June 6th, the market for 2-EH in Shandong region rose

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2024-08-30   Views:50
Price trendOn June 5th, the commodity price ratio index of propylene and 2-EH was 79.00, a decrease of 0.25 points from
 Price trend

On June 5th, the commodity price ratio index of propylene and 2-EH was 79.00, a decrease of 0.25 points from the previous day, a decrease of 60.33% from the highest point in the cycle of 199.16 points (2020-04-13), and an increase of 66.39% from the lowest point of 47.48 points on August 8th, 2021. (Note: The cycle refers to the period from January 2012 to present).

According to the Commodity Analysis System of Business Society, the average market price of 2-EH in Shandong on June 6th was 10,060 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.90% compared to the previous trading day.

Analysis review

The upstream propylene market fluctuated and consolidated, while the cost support for 2-EH still existed. The downstream plasticizer market fluctuated and rose, and downstream procurement enthusiasm remained stable. The support for the rise of 2-EH still existed, and the downward pressure weakened.

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