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SunSirs: Weak Demand, China POM Market is Stable but Weak

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  According to the data of SunSirs, the market of POM this week is stable but weak, and the spot prices of various brands are up and down. As of September 8, the ex factory price reference offer of POM injection grade sample enterprises of business club was about 16,100 RMB/ ton, up or down 0% compared with the average price at the beginning of the week.

  Industrial chain: in terms of upstream formaldehyde, the market price of formaldehyde in Shandong increased slightly this week for two consecutive weeks. As of September 8, the mainstream market price in Shandong was 1,240-1,320 RMB/ ton. Recently, the methanol market has been rising in a narrow range. Supported by the cost, formaldehyde has tentatively increased. It is difficult for the downstream demand to improve. It is just necessary to maintain the purchase. The formaldehyde market is generally traded, and the market has been slightly explored driven by the cost.

  The upstream formaldehyde market rose, and the POM cost end support was strengthened. In terms of industry load, the overall load of domestic POM industry enterprises has been stable at a high level recently, with abundant supply of goods and strong competition in the field. Manufacturers and midstream enterprises prefer to reduce prices for shipment. The operating rate of end enterprises is generally restricted by profits or orders, and the position is not high. Although some enterprises have prepared orders before the Mid Autumn Festival, POM consumption is still lagging behind. At present, the main support point of spot price is still the cost. In the short term, there is no guidance for the downstream to increase demand, and the load has not been able to follow with the end of the power limitation policy. At present, the pattern of contradiction between supply and demand continues, and many business negotiations have dropped.SunSirs analysts believe that the domestic POM market is weak this week, the upstream formaldehyde market is rising, and the support of POM cost is OK. The load of POM industry is high, and the support of the supply side is poor. Downstream enterprises are slow to digest the supply of goods, and there is no large-scale replenishment in procurement. Under the pattern of supply and demand contradiction, it is expected that POM prices will be dominated by weak fluctuation in China in the short term.

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