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SunSirs: Domestic Acetone Market Rose in a Narrow Range

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  The domestic acetone market rose slightly after a period of stalemate, and the international crude oil continued to rise, the raw material side rose significantly, and the cost side increased significantly. The phenolic ketone factory fell into a loss-making state. The factory raised the billing price within a narrow range, and the stockholders’sentiment to support high prices increased, but the downstream follow-up was far from enough. Only the terminal MMA and other factories entered the market to replenish the stock, and the trading atmosphere was not good. According to SunSirs, the acetone market offer in East China rose from 5,680 to 5,780 RMB/ton, and the acetone market offer was firm.

  Analysis review

  Jiangyin port inventory was at 37,000 tons, the arrival of goods was limited, and port inventory declined. Sinopec East China's acetone billing price was 5,750 RMB/ton, and Sinopec's North China price was raised by 50 RMB/ton to 5,800-5,900 RMB/ton. The operating rate of phenol and ketone enterprises remained high at around 90%.The downstream bisphenol A market fluctuated in a narrow range as a whole, with the offer at 16,200 RMB/ton, and after a period of stalemate operation, the downward trend was obvious. Due to the limited supply of products, the decline in demand caused by the decline in downstream operating rates has also been alleviated to a certain extent.

  Market outlook

  SunSirs expects the domestic acetone market to run strongly, but the actual order situation still needs attention.

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