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SunSirs: On March 1, the Coke Market Was Stable and strong

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According to the price monitoring of SunSirs, the price of primary metallurgical coke in Shanxi on March 1 was 2,794 RMB/ton, which was the same as the previous trading day and increased by 6.64% year-on-year.

Analysis review

Recently, the coking coal market has been generally stable, running on a strong side, coal mine shipments were active, downstream demand has improved, and the shipment situation was good, and the market was generally optimistic about the market outlook.

On the 1st, the coke market continued to maintain a stable and strong operation. The coking enterprises shipped well, the downstream demand rebounded, the overall inventory in the coking plant was low, and the corporate mentality was good. The enthusiasm for downstream procurement increased significantly, and the demand for coke was relatively good.

Market outlook

It is expected that the coke market will continue to be stable and strong, focusing on the impact of coke inventory in various links and the impact of production restrictions such as the Paralympic Games on the coke market.
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