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SunSirs: Support Was Weak, the Market Price of IPA Was Lowered This Week (August 27-September 3)

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  Price trend

  According to the commodity data monitoring of SunSirs, the price of IPA was lowered this week. Last Friday, the average domestic IPA price was 7,666.67 RMB/ton, and this Friday’s average price was 7,200 RMB/ton. The price dropped within the week by 6.09%.

  Analysis review

  The price of IPA fell at the beginning of the week. As of September 3, most of the quotations of IPA in Shandong were around 7,000-7,300 RMB/ton; most of the quotations of IPA in Jiangsu were around 7,100-7,200 RMB/ton; and the quotations of IPA in Zhejiang were around 7,100 RMB/ton. Internationally, the US IPA closed up on August 31, while the European IPA market closed up sharply.

  As for the raw material acetone, the decline in the acetone market slowed down as of the 3rd. According to the bulk commodity data monitoring of SunSirs, the average price of acetone last Friday was 6,400 RMB/ton, and the average price this Friday was 6,300 RMB/ton. The price within the week was lowered by 1.56%. At present, the domestic acetone market has not fluctuated much. Although the trading atmosphere in the market is quiet, the mentality of holders can still maintain a range of fluctuations, the terminal is not enthusiastic about follow-up, and the operating rate of downstream factories has declined, and firm offers are limited.

  In terms of raw material propylene, according to data from SunSirs’bulk list, the domestic propylene (Shandong) market price was under pressure this week. The market price of propylene was at 7,775 RMB/ton at the beginning of the week, and the weekend average price of propylene was 7,617 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2.04%. The propylene analyst of SunSirs believes that crude oil is weak and fluctuating, and the demand side needs to be improved. It is expected that the propylene market will be weak and fluctuate downward in the near future.

  Market outlook

  The IPA analyst of SunSirs believes that the overall demand for the domestic IPA market is general. The price of propylene has dropped, the price of acetone has dropped, the raw material has weak support for IPA, and the price of IPA has dropped. If the price of raw material acetone stops falling and rebounds next week, the IPA market will follow. It is expected that the price of IPA may stop falling in the short term, focusing on news of the change.

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