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SunSirs: Dichloromethane Market Rose Slightly in July

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-08-04   Views:273

  Price trend

  The dichloromethane market rose slightly in July. According to the monitoring of the bulk data of SunSirs, the price of dichloromethane at the beginning of the month was 3,796 RMB/ton, and the price of dichloromethane at the end of the month was 3,946 RMB/ton. Overall, the price of dichloromethane rose by 3.95% in July.

  Analysis review

  In July, the operating rate of domestic methane chloride plants did not change much, and the supply side was basically stable.

  The price of raw material liquid chlorine was low, and the cost impact was relatively negative. The price of methanol fluctuated at a low level, and it was difficult to support dichloromethane According to SunSirs, as of the end of July, the mainstream ex-factory price of liquid chlorine for tank trucks in Shandong was around 700 RMB/ton; the price of methanol rose from 2,555 RMB/ton at the beginning of the month to 2,585 RMB/ton at the end of the month, an overall increase of 1.17%.

  In July, the downstream film, pharmaceutical and other industries of dichloromethane started normally, forming a rigid support for dichloromethane, and more downstream such as cleaning agents and thinners were also purchased on demand.

  Market outlook

  Methane chloride data analysts from SunSirs believe that although the domestic supply of dichloromethane is stable, the downstream support is also relatively stable. It is expected that dichloromethane prices will fluctuate within a narrow range in the later period.

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