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SunSirs: The Cost Rose Again, the Price of Acetic Anhydride Climbed Again

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-06-17   Views:342

  The price of acetic anhydride went up again

  According to the data monitoring of SunSirs, the price of acetic anhydride rose continuously in June. Affected by the increase in the price of acetic acid, the price of acetic anhydride rose again. As of June 15, the price of acetic anhydride was 12,166.67 RMB/ton, which was an increase of 1.96% compared with the price of 11,933.33 RMB/ton at the beginning of June, and an increase of 3.99% from the price of 11,700.00 RMB/ton on May 19.

  Acetic acid price trend rose again

  It can be seen from the acetic acid price chart that since mid-May, the price of acetic acid has stopped falling and rebounded. In June, the price of acetic acid has continued to rise. The price of acetic acid rose, the cost of acetic anhydride rose, and the upward momentum of acetic anhydride increased, and the price of acetic anhydride climbed the peak again.

  Market outlook

  According to the acetic anhydride data analysts of SunSirs, June is the traditional maintenance season for acetic anhydride and acetic anhydride companies, and more companies stop production or have limit production. The price of acetic acid stopped falling and rebounded. In June, the price of acetic acid rose slightly, and the cost of acetic anhydride increased, which stimulated the price of acetic anhydride to climb again. As acetic anhydride is in the traditional off-season and the high price of acetic anhydride reduces the enthusiasm of downstream customers to purchase, the upward momentum of acetic anhydride is limited. It is expected that the acetic anhydride market will fluctuate to rise slightly in the future.

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