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SunSirs: Under Cost Support, Cyclohexanone Market Rebounded

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-06-10   Views:254

  Price trend

  The price of pure benzene continued to rise, the quotations of cyclohexanone manufacturers followed the rise, and the market quotations followed the rise. According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, as of June 7, the average domestic market price of cyclohexanone was 10,760 RMB/ton, and the price increased by 3.26% month-on-month and 78.74% year-on-year.

  Analysis review

  In terms of raw materials, On June 4, 2021, the listing price of Sinopec's pure benzene was raised by 300 RMB/ton to 7,900 RMB/ton, of which Qilu Petrochemical implemented 7,850 RMB/ton. On the downstream side, Sinopec’s high-end CPL executed the price of 14,100 RMB/ton (quoted this week) at the beginning of June.

  Market outlook

  Sinopec's pure benzene increased by 300 to 7,900 RMB/ton, and the cyclohexanone market soared under the support of cost. Manufacturers followed the upward price adjustment. The downstream CPL lost money and the buying enthusiasm was not high. The solvent market was cautiously waiting and watching. Cyclohexanone analysts of SunSirs predict that the domestic cyclohexanone market will slowly follow up in the short term.

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