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SunSirs: The Price of ECH Was Mainly Stable, and the Market Atmosphere Was Flat

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-05-28   Views:284

  Price trend

  According to data from SunSirs’bulk list, as of May 26, the average price of ECH companies was 13,900 RMB/ton, which was flat compared with the previous trading day and dropped by 11.46% compared with April 26. It rose by 23.74% In a three-month cycle. On the 26th, the market price of ECH was mainly stable, and downstream users mainly purchased on-demand. The overall market trading atmosphere was flat.

  Analysis review

  Upstream propylene, as of May 25, the market price of propylene in Shandong was mostly stable. According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the price of propylene in Shandong continued to rise in the middle and the last ten days of April, and the price fell sharply in the second ten days, and remained stable at the end of the month. During the May Day holiday, the price of propylene continued to be stable in the first two days. From the 3rd to the 7th, the price of propylene continued to rise by about 50 RMB/ton per day. The price remained stable on the 9th. On the 13th, the propylene price stabilized again after a small increase. Starting from the 17th, the price fell by 50 RMB/ton per day, and fell by about 100 RMB/ton on the 19th and 20th. Propylene prices rebounded by 50 RMB/ton per day starting on the 23rd, and the prices was roughly stable on the 26th. The market turnover was between 8,100 and 8,300 RMB/ton, and the mainstream price was around 8,100 RMB/ton.

  Downstream epoxy resins, as of May 25, the focus of negotiations on the liquid epoxy resin market in East China shifted down, cost support weakened, and downstream concerned about the market outlook and they were mostly wait-and-see, manufacturers' shipments were under pressure, the mainstream reference price in the market was around 30,000-30,500 RMB/ton.

  Market outlook

  The ECH analyst of SunSirs believes that the current cost pressure still exists, but the demand side is insufficient to follow up, and the market supply and demand are gaming. It is expected that in the short term, the ECH market may be stalemate and sort out, and more attention should be paid to market news guidance.

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