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SunSirs: TDI Market in March Was Weakly Downward

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-04-06   Views:207

  Price trend

  According to data from SunSirs’bulk list, the TDI price in East China continued to decline in March. The average price of TDI in the market at the beginning of the month was 18,750 RMB/ton, and the average TDI price at the end of the month was 16,750.00 RMB/ton, which was reduced by 2,000 RMB/ton within the month, a decrease of 10.67%.As of the 31st, TDI domestic products in the East China market referred to 15,200-16,000 RMB/ton, and Shanghai goods quotes were 15,900-16,500 RMB/ton.

  Analysis review

  At the beginning of March, the TDI market rose slightly, the factory inventory was low, and the news of the Canghua device failure further helped the industry's mentality. The market quotation was high, and the dealers' quotations followed up. After that, the TDI market was consolidating, downstream terminals were slow to digest inventory, the market transaction atmosphere was weak, purchasing intentions were low, and on-site prices continued to decline.

  The upstream toluene market fluctuated downward, with a drop of 3.98% within the month, from 5,687.50 RMB/ton to 5,461.00 RMB/ton. Affected by crude oil, the spot market price of toluene fluctuated, and the spot supply in the toluene market was sufficient, but the downstream follow-up was general, the demand side remained weak, the downstream demand was weak, the growth rate of toluene was limited, and the market outlook may be slightly lowered.

  Market outlook

  According to the analysis of the TDI data division of SunSirs, the current TDI market is generally weak, the trading atmosphere in the market is sluggish, and the market quotation remains stable. Wanhua Fujian’s TDI installation has stopped, the market supply has tightened, and the enquiry atmosphere has improved. In the short term, the TDI market may be slightly bullish, pay attention to the guidance of other factories.

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