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SunSirs: The Market Price of Phosphorus Yellow Dropped Due to Poor Demand This Week (March 11-18)

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-03-22   Views:226

  Price trend

  According to the monitoring of bulk commodity data, the price of phosphorus yellow in Yunnan-Guizhou area fell this week. The average price of phosphorus yellow last Thursday was 17,633.33 RMB/ton, and the average price of this Thursday was 17,333.33 RMB/ton. The price within the week was lowered by 1.7%.

  Analysis review

  This week, the overall trend of the domestic phosphorus yellow market was weak, the market demand was not good, and the number of new orders on the market was limited. The wait-and-see mood of traders was obvious, and downstream purchases were more cautious. As of the 18th, the mainstream quotation of Yunnan phosphorus yellow was around 17,400 RMB/ton; the mainstream quotation in Sichuan was around 17,500 RMB/ton; the mainstream quotation in Guizhou was around 17,100 RMB/ton. The overall market trading atmosphere was general, traders were cautious in obtaining goods, and the wait-and-see sentiment was obvious, and market prices fell slightly.

  In terms of raw materials, as of the 18th, the 30% phosphate ore market quotation in Guizhou was 370-390 RMB/ton; the price of 28% low-grade phosphate ore in Guangxi was around 300-340 RMB/ton; Hebei Fanshan Group's 30% grade phosphate ore ex-factory price reference was 570 RMB/ton; the 30% ammonium phosphate ore shipboard price in Hubei area was around 400 RMB/ton. The market sentiment has improved, prices have risen, and mostly focusing on fulfilling pre-orders.

  As for coke, as of the 18th, the coke market was operating weakly, and the price of quasi-first-grade coke in Shanxi was around 2,150-2,250 RMB/ton. The price of coke in the two ports of Shandong continued to decline on the 18th, and the market sentiment was weak. The mainstream spot remittance price of quasi-level metallurgical coke was around 2,350 RMB/ton, and the price of first-level coke was 2,450 RMB/ton, down 50 RMB/ton from the previous trading day. The mainstream price of Liupanshui coke (secondary metallurgical coke) market was 2,520 RMB/ton, which was temporarily stable from the previous trading day, and the price was lowered by 350 RMB/ton from the same period last month.

  This week, the phosphoric acid market was cautiously wait-and-see, the transaction atmosphere was general, and actual transactions were mainly negotiated. Phosphate market sales were normal and prices were stable.

  Market outlook

  The Phosphorus yellow analyst of SunSirs believes that the price trend of phosphorus yellow this week was weak. The overall market trading atmosphere was thin, traders were cautious in obtaining goods, and the wait-and-see sentiment was obvious. The downstream on-demand procurement was more cautious, and market prices were slightly lowered. The price of phosphorus yellow is expected to stabilize temporarily in the short term.

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