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SunSirs: China Coke Market was Weak on March 11

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  On March 11, the coke market was mainly stable and weak. The market price of secondary metallurgical coke in Shanxi was about 2,380 RMB/ ton. At present, coking enterprises are actively starting work, and the coke inventory has a certain rebound compared with the previous period. Coking enterprises are active in shipping, but affected by the control of environmental protection policies, the shipping and loading and unloading in some areas have been affected, and the coke supply is relatively sufficient on the whole. Most of the coke supply still flows to the steel plant, and the traders' purchasing enthusiasm is low.

  On March 11, the market price of coke in Shandong and Hong Kong continued to decline, and the market atmosphere was weak. At present, the mainstream spot ex warehouse price of quasi first grade metallurgical coke is about 2,550 RMB/ ton, and the price of first grade coke is 2,650 RMB/ ton, down 50 RMB/ ton compared with the previous trading day. The inventory of the two ports has increased for three consecutive days, the port has recovered slightly, the port inventory has increased to a certain extent, but the overall supply of available goods is still relatively small, the traders have a strong wait-and-see mood, and the trading is limited.

  In the future, the focus is on the start-up of downstream blast furnace, coke inventory of steel plants and the impact of local environmental protection policies. In the case of sufficient supply in the near future, China coke market is mainly weak.

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