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SunSirs: China BR Market Fell slightly (March 1-5)

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-03-10   Views:201

  According to the data monitoring of SunSirs, the domestic BR market fell slightly during the week (3.1-3.5), with the price of 13,000.00 yuan / ton at the beginning of the week and 12,880.00 yuan / ton at the weekend, down 0.92% overall.

  Last week (3.1-3.5), the domestic BR market fell slightly. According to the monitoring of SunSirs, as of March 5, the ex-warehouse price of Daqing BR of PetroChina Northeast sales company was 13,500 yuan / ton; that of Sinopec North China was stable, Qilu BR was 13,400 yuan / ton, Huabei warehouse was raising the price; Yanshan BR was 13,320 yuan / ton, Huabei warehouse was raising the price.

  There is little pressure on the supply of BR in the market. On one hand, the start-up of BR in China is generally stable. According to the understanding of SunSirs, the Yangtze BR plant continues to stop in the near future, and the start-up of Qilu, Daqing and Dushanzi is basically normal, so the overall pressure on the supply side is not.

  Raw material prices rose slightly last week, the cost of BR has support. According to the monitoring of SunSirs, as of March 5, the butadiene price was 8,413 yuan / ton, slightly higher than 8,368 yuan / ton at the beginning of the week by 0.54%.

  On the demand side, after the Lantern Festival, the downstream market started to recover gradually, and the downstream stock gradually increased, but the overall high price Shunding slightly resisted.

  SunSirs analysts believe that at present, the price of raw material butadiene is strong, international crude oil returns to the rising channel again, downstream demand recovers, forming a strong support for BR, and it is expected that China BR will still have room to rise in the future.

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