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SunSirs: Price Rise and Fall in PS Market in China

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-03-09   Views:206

  According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the average price of PS (GPPS 525) was 10,700 RMB/ ton on March 1, and 10,866 RMB/ ton on March 5, an increase of 1.56%, up 19.41% compared with the same period last year.

  Styrene futures shock lower impact, strong market risk aversion, low interest in downstream inquiries. Profit plate continued to reduce prices and shipping, driving the market center to continue to move down, the transaction situation was general.

  PS part of the ex-factory price rise, driving some brands to move up the center of gravity, but the deal was weak. There is a certain pressure on PS inventory on the supply side, but the parking of Zhanjiang new Sino US PS plant and the parking of some PS production lines of CITIC Guoan can offset the increment of one production line restarted by Lvan Qingfeng. Due to the large cost pressure and the general resumption of work, the purchase volume of small and medium-sized downstream enterprises is small, and it is difficult to increase the volume of transactions on the floor most of the time.

  At present, workers are returning to work in early March, and the demand of small and medium-sized downstream is expected to gradually recover. Due to the large price difference between PS raw materials and recycled materials in northern China, or the impact of PS raw materials on the demand for recycled materials, it is estimated that the benzene permeability in East China market will be 10,300-14,000 RMB/ ton.

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