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SunSirs: China Coke Market has Lowered Expectations after Spring Festival

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-02-23   Views:207

  On February 19, the coke commodity index was 139.63, which was the same as the previous day, reaching a record high in the cycle, up 302.97% from the lowest point of 34.65 on March 3, 2016. (Note: period refers to 2011-09-01 to now).

  After the end of 15 rounds of increase in the coke market in January, the price has maintained a high and stable trend. At present, the profit of coking enterprises is still high, and some models are still around 1000 RMB/ ton. Affected by the decrease of transportation vehicles during the Spring Festival, the inventory of coking enterprises in Shandong increased slightly. There is a certain plan to purchase and replenish the inventory in the downstream after the opening of the market. It is expected that the inventory will return to the normal level in the next few days.

  With the price of coke rising, the cost of steel plants is under great pressure and the profit is limited. Before and after February 20, some steel plants in Shanxi have the intention to increase 100 RMB/ ton. For the current market situation, according to the current operation situationmost, mainstream steel plants still keep a wait-and-see attitude and do not make an obvious statement. Coking enterprises and steel plants are at a high level, downstream demand is still high, coke supply is still tight.

  Port: the coke market price of Shandong ports are emporarily stable. At present, the mainstream spot ex-warehouse price of quasi primary metallurgical coke is about 2,850 RMB/ ton, and the price of primary coke is 2,950 RMB/ ton, which is temporarily stable compared with the previous trading day. In recent days, most of the port traders are closed, the atmosphere of port trading is light, the purchase intention of the traders is low, the intention of port gathering is weak, mainly wait and see.

  At present, the coke market does have the pressure of callback, the profit of coking enterprises is high, and the follow-up still needs to focus on the start-up of downstream steel plants and the coke inventory of each link.

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