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SunSirs: Cost Lowered, Inventory Rose, China ABS Market was in Bad Situation

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  According to the data of SunSirs, the domestic ABS market declined in December, 2020, and the spot prices of various brands decreased to a certain extent. As of January 1, 2021, the mainstream offer price of general ABS was about 15,750 yuan / ton, down 18.18% from the beginning of December, 2020.

  ABS upstream styrene domestic market continued to decline in December 2020. The current styrene spot supply increases, the mainstream price continues to decline. Domestic devices restart in December is more concentrated, and the downstream demand is insufficient. The mainstream downstream is mainly supported by rigid demand, which has a negative impact on ABS.

  Butadiene market also fell sharply. According to the monitoring of SunSirs, the domestic butadiene market price was 7,751 yuan / ton at the end of December 2020, with a decrease of 21.91% in the month and a year-on-year decrease of 6.07%. In January 2021, the supply side of domestic butadiene market is abundant, and it is expected to increase the supply pressure after part of the source of export is transferred to domestic sales, which is also bad for ABS.

  In December 2020, the domestic ABS market will adjust downward, the domestic ABS supply will be stable, and the inventory of petrochemical plants will begin to accumulate. On the downstream side, the consumption of domestic major household appliance enterprises and automobile industry is acceptable, but the market bearish sentiment is aggravating near the holidays. In addition, the long-term psychological pressure of ABS to buy goods at a higher price has gradually increased, which makes it difficult for downstream factories to buy goods at a higher price. The price of the transaction is low and the price is low.

  SunSirs analysts believe that: China ABS market fell in December, 2020, the prices of all brands have not a small reduction. On the cost side, the upstream three materials are weakening as a whole, which is bad for ABS. At present, ABS spot supply is sufficient, petrochemical plants and businesses offer continue to fall. It is expected that China domestic ABS price will continue to decline in the near future.

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