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SunSirs: Aniline Prices Fluctuated Up in December

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2021-01-06   Views:348

  Price trend

  According to data from SunSirs’bulk list, the price of aniline showed a fluctuating upward trend in December. On December 1, the price in Shandong was 7,400-7600 RMB/ton; the price of aniline in Nanjing was 7,600 RMB/ton; the price in Shandong was 7,800-7,900 RMB/ton on December 31; the price of aniline in Nanjing was 8,000-8,100 RMB/ton. The average monthly increase was 4.87%.

  Analysis review

  In terms of raw materials, pure benzene: the price of pure benzene showed an upward trend in the first ten days of December; after a slight decline in mid-December, it stabilized; and the price fell rapidly in late December. At the beginning of this month, domestic pure benzene prices continued to rise due to external support. In the later period, due to the decline in crude oil driving the external disk, the continuous decline in styrene prices and the increasing pressure on pure benzene inventory in northern factories, pure benzene was under pressure to decline. This month, Sinopec experienced a continuous increase in the first ten days of this month, and a slight correction at the end of the month, with a total increase of 200 RMB/ton from the beginning of the month, and an increase of 50 RMB/ton in North China. The listed price of pure benzene on December 1st was 4,050-4,550 RMB/ton (average price of 4,230 RMB/ton), and the listed price on December 31st was 3,920-4,400 RMB/ton (average price 4,204 RMB/ton), the average price of this month fell by 26 RMB/ton, or 0.61%.

  Nitric acid: The market for nitric acid was improving this month, with prices fluctuating higher and closing slightly in the late December. The price of nitric acid in East China was 1,800 RMB/ton on December 1, and the price was 2,050 RMB/ton on the 31st, an increase of 250 RMB/ton from the beginning of the month, an increase of 13.89%.

  In December, the price of aniline stabilized after fluctuating higher, and there was another wave of rise near the end of the month. In the first ten days of the month, the northern enterprises were affected by environmental inspections, and the aniline plants of the factories were reduced in load, and the market supply was reduced, which stimulated price increases. In late December, due to the continued impact of environmental inspections and limited logistics, the northern downstream searched for goods in Shandong, which led to another round of domestic aniline rise.

  Market outlook

  In terms of raw materials, the emergency response of the environmental inspection in the north has ended and the logistics have resumed. It is expected that the purchase of pure benzene will improve. The market is bullish on January. Pay attention to the dynamics of pure benzene and downstream equipment in January, the purchasing situation, and the price trends of crude oil and external disks.

  At present, the environmental inspection has ended, the load of the aniline plant has increased, and the market supply is expected to increase. The inventory of the aniline factory is not high, and the sales is stable. It is expected that the price will continue to be firm in January.

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