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SunSirs: Winter Staggered Peak, Cement Market in East China Rose slightly

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2020-12-28   Views:227

  According to the monitoring of SunSirs, the cement market in East China rose in December, with the price of 505.80 RMB/ ton on December 15 and 508.40 RMB/ ton on December 23 in East China. The current price rose by 0.43% month on month, and the current price fell by 7.26% year on year.

  Since December, many places begin to shift peak production. Affected by environmental protection and production restriction, the inventory of enterprises in many places is at a low level. Cement demand continues to be good, in order to improve revenue, the market led by cement manufacturers continues to rise.

  Recently, the tenth round of rising of coke market has been opened, and the market is running strongly. The mainstream steel mills in Shandong accept the increase of 50 RMB/ ton. With the continuous promotion of the de capacity policy in Hebei, Henan, Shanxi and other major production areas, the supply in these areas is tight. Although some new production capacity has been put into production, most of them are agreement users, and the capacity release is limited. At present, the overall inventory of coking enterprises is low, and the sales are good. In terms of ports, the spot markets of Shandong and Shandong ports are relatively strong, and the port inventory is declining. At present, the source of goods available for sale is relatively small. In terms of price, the mainstream spot ex-warehouse price of port quasi first-class metallurgical coke is about 2,500 RMB/ ton, and the arrival situation is general, so the market is generally optimistic.

  Downstream: from January to October, the national real estate development investment was 11,655.6 billion yuan, up 6.3% year on year, 0.7% higher than that from January to September. Among them, the residential investment was 8,629.8 billion RMB, an increase of 7.0% and an increase of 0.9%. From January to October, the construction area of real estate development enterprises was 880.117 million square meters, a year-on-year increase of 3.0%, 0.1% lower than that from January to September, 2020.

  According to the prediction of SunSirs, the cement market in North China is at a high level in the near future. However, with the arrival of the New Year's Day and Spring Festival Holidays, the cold weather is not conducive to the construction site, and the cement peak season is about to pass. Therefore, SunSirs cement product analysts believe that in a short period of time, China cement market will mainly fall below.

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