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SunSirs: Near the End of the Year, Phosphate Rock Maintains Stable Finishing Operations

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2020-12-18   Views:274

  According to the data monitoring of SunSirs, as of December 16, the reference average price of 30% grade phosphate rock in mainstream areas was around 390 RMB/ton, the price was the same as a week ago; compared with December 1, the average price increased by 4 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.86%; compared with November 1, the average price increased by 4 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.86%.

  Near the end of the year, the domestic phosphate rock market is stable as a whole

  At the beginning of December, the phosphate rock market in some parts of the country rose. The upward range was mainly the price of high-end phosphate rock, and most of it came from the increase in low-end prices, with an increase of 10-20 RMB/ton. The phosphate rock market as a whole entered a stable operation. At present Guizhou area: 30% grade phosphate rock quotes refer to 320-360 RMB/ton, the price is the same as a week ago; 28% grade phosphate rock quotes refer to 280-320 RMB/ton. Guizhou Fuquan Huifa phosphate rock mainly supplies phosphate rock with a quality of more than 30%. Currently, the phosphate mine is still under construction. The company's 30% phosphate rock price is 340 RMB/ton, and the price is temporarily stable. Hubei region: 28% ammonium phosphate rock price is 350-360 RMB/ton. Guangxi region: 28% phosphate rock is quoted at 290-320 RMB/ton, and 30% phosphate rock is quoted at 340-360 RMB/ton.

  In the downstream, the market for yellow phosphorus is temporarily operating steadily. The company mainly supplies orders from old customers, and mainly stays on the sidelines. The current reference price of net phosphorus in Yunnan is 15,000-15,300 RMB/ton. The phosphoric acid market is weak and stable.

  The demand is weak and phosphate rock price is stable at the end of the year

  At present, the overall phosphate rock market is weak and stable. downstream demand is weak. There are not many new orders. The support for phosphate rock is limited. Most phosphate rock companies focus on price stability. Therefore, the phosphate rock analyst of SunSirs believes that the recent adjustment of the phosphate rock market is limited, and the quotation is not expected to be lowered, and the overall stable operation is mainly maintained.

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