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Bakken crude market quiet amid closure of Enbridge's Platte pipeline due to floods

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The Bakken crude market was quiet Monday morning despite Friday's precautionary closure of Enbridge's 145,000-164,000 b/d Platte pipeline at the Missouri River crossing due to flooding.

Enbridge shut Line 41B/Platte System at the Missouri River crossing in response to record flooding, which on Sunday began to recede in the Kansas City area, near where the Platte pipeline crosses the Missouri River. While the pipeline remains shut at that location, the company has noted that the water level is dropping.
Though the Bakken market was quiet Monday morning in the traditional dead period of the trading cycle, the pipeline outage is expected to have supply-side effects, with one market source noting that supply at Guernsey, Wyoming, is "definitely backing up a bit."

Enbridge said in a statement that there are no issues with the pipeline itself, and said it notified local and state officials of the shutdown.

The Platte pipeline crude transport capacity ranges from 164,000 b/d in Casper, Wyoming, where it interconnects with the Express pipeline, to 145,000 b/d in Wood River, Illinois, where the pipeline terminates. From Casper, the pipeline goes through Nebraska before crossing briefly through Kansas and then through Missouri until it reaches Wood River.
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