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More powerful electric drive system produced for shale gas exploitation

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2018-07-16   Views:442
BEIJING, July 15 (Xinhua)-- A more powerful electric drive system for shale gas fracturing pumps has come off the production line, according to the website of Science and Technology Daily on Saturday.
The domestically-produced system has reached a maximum power of 5,500 horsepower, said its developer CRRC Yongji Electric Co., Ltd. It is equipped with a high-voltage board, transformer, inverter, and water cooling system.
As a core piece of technology for shale gas exploitation, the system can change operation locations using its movable mode and provide the high pressure, large displacement and extended continuous use required for fracturing pumps. It is clean, environmentally friendly and quieter than other models, according to the developer.
The system, which has been assembled and tested, was based on a 4,500 horsepower electric drive system for fracturing pumps which was also developed by Yongji Electric.
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