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Coal stocks held by China's six key power generators drop 2% on week to 14.1 million mt

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2018-04-16   Views:530
Combined coal stocks held by China's six key coal-fired power generators in the south and east of the country totaled 14.09 million mt on April 12, down 1.8% from 14.347 million mt on April 5, according to figures released Thursday by port operator Qinhuangdao Port.

The six key power generators are: Zhejiang Power, Shanghai Power, Guodian, Datang, Huaneng and Guangdong Power, which is better known as Yudean.

Based on the current coal consumption rate, the stocks are able to cover 20.8 days of consumption at the six power plants, unchanged from a week ago, data showed.

Average coal consumption at the six power generators stood at 677,000 mt/day on April 12, down 1.9% from 690,000 mt/day on April 5, data from the port operator showed.
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