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Queensland's Goonyella met coal rail reopens despite bad weather forecasts

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2018-02-24   Views:575
Australia's Aurizon rail network reopened its key Goonyella met coal rail line Thursday despite the weather bureau still forecasting "unstable weather" ahead for the next few days.

Aurizon Network, which operates the coking coal rail network in Queensland, temporarily shut its key Goonyella rail line for 12 hours to 18:00 local time Wednesday, citing signaling and electrical failure due to storms.

An Aurizon representative told S&P Platts it had reopened some sections of the Goonyella line Thursday, with its maintenance crews continuing to inspect the remaining sections of the system, which are primarily in the western part of the corridor.

But he said further storms and rain are forecast, which may prevent the return of normal operations to some areas. The other three coal rail systems -- Blackwater, Newlands and Moura -- are open and operating, he said.

The Bureau of Meteorology in Queensland forecasts stormy weather up to Monday next week.

"No miner wants to offer a laycan they cannot commit to. We will reassess by Monday," one miner said, adding he would hold back from offering any cargoes.

One major Asian steel maker also said his team is closely watching the weather to see the actual impact on coking coal exports from Australia.
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