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Dutch receipts of Norwegian gas hit 10-month low

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2018-01-29   Views:291
* 46.25 million cu m sent to Netherlands Wednesday

* Norwegian gas flows to Germany increase

* TTF spot remains above NCG; month-ahead spread flat

Norwegian natural gas flows into the Dutch system dropped to a 10-month low Wednesday as receipts of Norwegian flows in Germany rose, data from S&P Global Platts Analytics showed Thursday.

The Netherlands imported 46.25 million cu m of gas from Norway via the Emden-Dorum complex on the Dutch/German border Wednesday, the lowest level since March 13.

The fall in gas receipts in the Netherlands was due to an increase in flows from Norway to Germany, which ramped up to a two-month high of 56.10 million cu m on Wednesday from 48.04 million cu m Tuesday.

Gas flows from Norway to the UK edged down to 114.94 million cu m Wednesday from 117.93 million cu m Tuesday, mainly due to corrective maintenance on the UK's Vesterled gas pipeline.

Throughput via Vesterled has been reduced since January 18 due to the maintenance, with Norwegian gas flows into the UK falling as a result.

Dutch receipts of Norwegian gas averaged 66 million cu m/d January 1-23, up 6 million cu m/d year on year, due to higher demand for H-cal to L-cal gas conversion in the Netherlands against a backdrop of lower L-cal gas supplies as a result of reduced production at the giant Groningen field.

As a result, TTF day-ahead and month-ahead delivery contracts have been at a premium to their Netconnect Germany equivalents since December.

The TTF spot was assessed at Eur17.825/MWh Thursday, above the NCG equivalent, which was assessed at Eur17.725/MWh.

The TTF and NCG month-ahead delivery contracts have been assessed at the same price of Eur17.80/MWh for the first four days this week.
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