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NWE gasoline flows to North America at around 222,000 mt for January

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Gasoline flows to the US and East Coast of Canada from Northwest Europe in January so far amount to around 222,000 mt, according to data Wednesday from cFlow, S&P Global Platts trade flow software.

In December, around 557,000 mt of gasoline loading in Northwest Europe and the Baltics arrived in the US and the East Coast of Canada, up slightly from 518,000 mt in November.

Only three vessels likely carrying gasoline have left NWE over the past seven days to go to North America. All of them are Medium Range tankers heading to the US Atlantic Coast.

According to data from PJK International, gasoline inventories in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp hub edged higher for the first time in six weeks, rising 21,000 mt, or 2.5%, to 854,000 mt for the week ended December 27.

While the spot gasoline arbitrage from Europe to the US has now been closed for at least a couple of months, the NWE gasoline cargo market had been supported by ample volumes leaving the region in December for West Africa, and some smaller volumes having left Europe the same month to go the Persian Gulf or even Asia.
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