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BASF Total expands propylene production at Port Arthur, Texas, complex

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BASF Total Petrochemicals is expanding its propylene production at the Port Arthur petrochemical complex by enhancing integration between Total's Port Arthur, Texas, refinery and the petrochemical complex, the company said in a statement Tuesday.

The company is "installing processing and treatment facilities for the import of butylenes and butanes from the Total Port Arthur Refinery, [enabling the company] to make use of these refinery byproducts to produce higher value propylene," BASF Total said.

Total can produce 225,500 b/d at the Port Arthur, Texas, refinery.

BASF Total's Petrochemical complex in Port Arthur also houses a 1 million mt/year steam cracker that can crack a wide range of feedstocks such as ethane, propane, butane and naphtha into ethylene, propylene, butadiene and other chemical raw materials.

The BASF Total joint venture is 60% BASF Corporation and 40% Total Petrochemicals & Refining USA.
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