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Turkey imports 2.78 million mt steam coal September, up 10.8% year on year

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2017-11-07   Views:505
Turkey imported 2.78 million mt of thermal coal in September, up 10.8% year on year but down 18.9% from August's record volume, according to foreign trade data Friday.

Russia was the main source of imports in September, totaling 1.32 million mt, up 4% month on month and 62% year on year.

It marked the first time Russia has exported more coal to Turkey than Colombia since June, and the largest Turkey import volume from Russia since November last year when imports were 1.45 million mt.

Colombia exported 1.17 million mt to Turkey in September, down 32% month on month and 18% year on year to the lowest volume since June.

Imports from South Africa were 241,935 mt, down 36% from August's year-to-date high of 380,219 mt, but up more than twofold year on year. Imports from Iran were 48,635 mt, the highest figure since S&P Global Platts began collecting the data in 2013.

Petcoke imports were 352,084 mt September, up 21.7% month on month but down 7.6% year on year.

The US remained the larges supplier of petcoke to Turkey, exporting 221,680 mt in September, up 4% month on month and down 42% year on year, while Venezuela exported 117,289 mt, up fivefold from August and the second highest figure all year save for July's 133,415 mt.

Petcoke imports from Russia were 12,115 mt, down 78% month on month with no recorded volumes before 2017, and Spain remained a sporadic supplier to Turkey, exporting 1,000 mt September, down 50% month on month, with no registered exports for September 2016.
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