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Braskem selects The Linde Group as EPC contractor for new PP line

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2017-07-12   Views:412
Brazil's Braskem has selected The Linde Group as the lead engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor for the proposed new 450,000 mt/year polypropylene line in La Porte, Texas, Braskem said Tuesday.

"Today we are pleased to announce another significant step forward in the development of Delta, which is set to be the largest polypropylene production line in the Americas," Mark Nikolich, Braskem North America CEO said.

Braskem plans to begin construction mid-summer and startup in 2020 on the $675 million PP line called Delta -- its sixth US polypropylene plant and its first from the ground up.

Braskem currently operates five PP plants in the US, including three in Texas. It has total US-based PP capacity of 1.571 million mt/year, according to company data.
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