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Turkey May thermal coal imports rise 47% on-year to 2.31 mil mt

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2017-07-03   Views:297
Turkey's May bituminous thermal coal imports rose 47% year on year to 2.31 million mt, which was also 72% higher than April's three-year low, according to data from the Turkish statistical Institute (TUIK).

Colombia remained the largest shipper of thermal coal to Turkey at 1.32 million mt, more than doubling last May's 652,399 mt and 98% higher on the month.

Imports from Russia were at 947,330 mt in May, rising 76% on-year and 49% on-month.

The only other origin with a noticeable import volume was South Africa at 30,589 mt, which dropped 86% on-year and 24% on the month.

According to the data, Turkey's total purchases in May for imported thermal coal were $202.11 million, more than doubling on the year and jumping 68% from the previous month.

This was equivalent to a monthly average price of $87.61/mt, down from $89.46/mt in April.

Platts assessed the May monthly average of its CIF Turkey 6,000 kcal/kg NAR 90-day price at $81.25/mt, down 50 cents on the month.

Meanwhile, Turkey's total coking coal imports in May were 409,615 mt, falling 25% year on year and 43% month on month.
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