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S Korea's KPIC struggling to achieve on-spec output from steam cracker

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2017-06-19   Views:342
South Korea's Korea Petrochemical Industry Co. is currently struggling to achieve on-spec production from its sole naphtha-fed steam cracker at Onsan, a source close to the company said on Thursday.

The steam cracker was shut in mid-April for debottlenecking and a turnaround, S&P Global Platts had reported earlier.

The company restarted the cracker June 6, Platts reported last week.

The source said it was unclear when the company will achieve on-spec production from the steam cracker.

Under KPIC's expansion program, the steam cracker's ethylene production capacity will rise to 800,000 mt/year from 470,000 mt/year, and its propylene capacity to 500,000 mt/year from 230,000 mt/year.
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