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Colombia's Propilco sees Q1 PP sales decrease 8.57% year on year

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2017-05-16   Views:402
Propilco's polypropylene sales in the first quarter of 2017 totaled 108,674 mt, down 8.57% compared with the year-ago period, the Colombian company's parent Ecopetrol said Friday.

In volume terms, Propilco's Q1 2017 PP sales fell 10,182 mt compared with Q1 2016's total, state-owned Ecopetrol said.

The company's Q1 polyethylene sales increased 28.34% or 1,708 mt year on year to 7,734 mt from 6,026 mt in the first quarter of 2016, it added.

Propilco is Colombia's sole producer of polypropylene resin, with a capacity of 500,000 mt/year.

Ecopetrol's Barrancabermeja plant is Colombia's sole producer of polyethylene and has a nameplate capacity of 60,000 mt/year of low-density PE, according to Platts Analytics data.
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