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China data: March raw coal output posts first rise since Feb 2015

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2017-04-20   Views:476
China's raw coal production in March increased 1.9% year on year to 300 million mt, the first rise since February 2015, the National Bureau of Statistics said Monday.

First-quarter raw coal production dropped 0.3% year on year to 810 million mt.

Production growth in 25 provinces, such as Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shanxi and Ningxia, was more than 5% year on year while 20 provinces posted falls in production, especially Jiangxi, Hubei and Chonqin, with output falling more than 30% year on year.

The NBS said production at small- to medium-sized miners in Jiangxi, Hubei and Chonqin was hit by the central government's move to eliminate certain capacities.

Chinese power generation in March increased 7.2% on the year to 516.89 TWh.

Total Q1 generation was up 6.7% on year at 1,458.72 TWh.

Thermal power generation in March rose 7.7% year on year, while Q1 thermal power generation was up 7.4%, NBS said.
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