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S.Korean export volume rises for 1st time in 3 months

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2016-12-27   Views:279
South Korean exports in terms of volume rose for the first time in three months, raising expectations for a recovery in the lackluster exporting industry, central bank data showed on Friday.

The export volume index stood at 142.56 in November, up 6.0 percent from a year earlier, according to the Bank of Korea (BOK). The benchmark figure of 100 means an export volume tallied in 2010.

The November growth was the first in three months, posting the highest number in eight months.

It indicated the faltering export industry may restore its growth momentum despite falling global trade. Exports account for about half of the South Korean economy.

Shipments in the chemical and general machinery sectors were enhanced, supporting the export volume rebound.

In terms of volume, precision machinery exports jumped 28.8 percent in November from a year earlier, with those for metal products and general machinery growing over 20 percent. Chemical products shipments advanced 16.6 percent.

Negative effects reduced from partial strikes in major automakers and the discontinuation of Samsung Electronics' flagship smartphone Galaxy Note 7.

Exports in electric and electronic devices inched down 1.2 percent in November, improving from a 7.4 percent decline in October. Those for transport equipments, including cars, rose 2.0 percent in November, turning around from a 10.7 percent drop in the prior month.
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