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Thai Map Ta Phut Olefins sells 2 solvent-MX cargoes after plant restart

Increase font size  Decrease font size Date:2016-06-21   Views:514
Thailand's Map Ta Phut Olefins Company has sold two July-loading solvent-MX cargoes of 2,000 mt each after restarting its aromatics plant earlier this week, sources close to the company said late Thursday.

The plant was shut two weeks ago due to a problem with the hydrogenation unit, the source said, adding that the issue had since been resolved.

The plant was now running at "close to 100%" of capacity, the source said.

The shutdown had no impact on the plant's July production, the source said, pointing to the the two cargoes sold this week.

The plant has the capacity to produce 150,000 mt/year of benzene, 70,000 mt/year of toluene and 70,000 mt/year of mixed xylenes.

Map Ta Phut Olefins Co. is 67% owned by SCG Chemicals.
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