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  • Yangzhou Tianyuan Chem Co.,Ltd.
  • Main:Our main products include o-dichlorobenzene,p-dichlorobenzene and Chlorobenzene. We also offer chloroform , dichloromethane,dichloroethane,triethylamine ,etrahydrofura and dimethyl sulphoxide.
  • (Manufacturers )   [Verified]
  • Huzhou Hengyuan Biochem. Tech. Co., Ltd.
  • Main:HCl, isoxepac, 5-Methylnicotinic acid, olopatadine hydrochloride, olopatadine hydrochloride, milrinone, azelnidipine, etc. Isoxepac, 5-Methylnicotinic acid and lornoxicam
  • [Verified]
  • Main:83, Dr. Maheshwari Road, BIT Chawl No. 7, Godown No. 1, Near Sandhurst Road Railway Station, Mumbai: 400009, Maharashtra, India
  • (Manufacturers )   [Not verified]
  • haugnshan
  • Main:http://www.hydmetal.com/tantalum-material/
  • [Not verified]
  • Maidan Chemicals Co., Ltd.
  • Main:U-47700 / MEX / DOC / MED / 2-NMC / 4-CPRC / 4F-PHP / 4F-PV8(crystal) / 4-FMA / 5F-PV8(crystal) / 5f-mn-24 / FAN-144 / EG-18 / 5F-PCN / MDPHP/ 5-methylethylone / Etizolam / Dimethylpheidate4 (DP) / ADRAFINIL/ Mexedrone
  • (Manufacturers , Trading )   [Not verified]
  • Wuhan Casrn Chemical Co ., Ltd
  • Main:Androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione,Androstenedione, Dehydroisoandrosterone 3-acetate, 16-Dehydropregnenolone acetate, Oxymetholone, Neostigmine methyl sulfate, Levonorgestrel, Progesterone, Altrenogest, Dehydroepiandrosterone, Xylazine
  • (Manufacturers )   [Not verified]
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